Ghost winner of the German Design Award 2020

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Ghost winner of the German Design Award 2020

We are honored to announce that our Ghost has won the prestigious German Design Award, an international competition that identifies and presents unique design trends to the market!

Ghost is among the Gold category award winners for 2020: a novel ceramic washbasin, a perfect synthesis of design and functionality. Ghost, thanks to the top of the bottom of the basin that opens to double depth when moved, is a unique product that combines laundry functionality with a designer basin.

Ghost redesigns space, opens the bathroom environment to new perspectives, in which decorative elements become cues for endless design possibilities.

A product that best interprets the needs of a market that is always looking for innovation and design.

Sponsored by the highest authorities representing new developments in the German design industry, the German Design Award is one of the most prestigious awards for designers from around the world. The award was established in 1953 at the initiative of the German Bundestag, the German Parliament. But it is the German Design Council that grants this coveted recognition; the GDC is one of the world’s leading centers for brand management and communication in the field of design.

Who is eligible for the chance to receive the important award? Only those nominated by the Design Innovation Product Scouting panel of the German Design Council or its founding members may participate. The exclusive network of founding members includes design associations, designers, entrepreneurs and renowned companies in the industry.