Linea 48 bagno Xilon

Linea 48


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Linea 48

An ode to beauty and functionality

A designer bathroom destined to transform your space into an oasis of serenity and style. Imagine immersing your hands in a washbasin wrapped in an aura of elegance. The choice is yours: the washbasin in ocritech, a material that combines resistance, precision and refinement, on a top only 1 cm thick, or the inexhaustible beauty of ceramic, whether recessed or countertop. Linea 48 will capture the attention of every guest.

Versatility is the watchword

Linea 48 is modular in furniture and furnishing accessories. It features spacious large drawers, 48 cm deep, with elegant groove handles. Choose from a wide range of finishes and colors and express your style.

16 cm deep washbasin

16 cm deep washbasin

Lavabo e top in ocritech

Lavabo e top in ocritech

Minimale e contemporaneo

Minimale e contemporaneo

Why choose Linea 48

Bella ed elegante 1
Beautiful and elegant
Versatile 1
Maniglie 2
Groove handles
Cassetti capienti e accessoriati 2
Spacious and equipped drawers
Bella ed elegante 2
Versatile 2
maniglie a gola
Cassetti capienti e accessoriati


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